Mitchel is a kind and gentle soul, though if provoked will turn into a foul beast. He takes no shame in looking like a clumsy bee keeper and tries his best to turn out.
His microscopic ramrod will leave you unimpressed however, God loves a tryer. Do not judge as he will not judge you.
Jump on this hunky dreamboat for the ride of your life.
He can’t shag for shit. Yes, that’s a Mitchel.
Funniest guy in the group. Was blessed with an absolute thigh slapper. Has lots of friends. Loved by all has lots of unprotected sex with women
I want to be Mitchel so bad.
Mitchel that was really funny.
mithel a smart guy with long blonde hair with mr bennencock over his shoulder 24/7
random person (addie):hey mitchel
mitchel: im smart!
Mitchel is the type of guy to say I’m gonna go drop the kids off at the pool when he extrudes a large turd from his anus
Wow mitchel really turded that turd back there
mitchel is a boy who was born the same size as an 18 wheeler and will grow in every way exept his cock its full size will be the same size as a pedel bikes exaust(non existant) for his whole life but as he gets older he will turn into 5x the size of a boeing 747
mitchel is a BIG boy
Wanneer iemand Mitchel heet betekend dit dat je beter kan oppassen voor de 23cm lange kitspuit achter zijn gulp.
Alle mannen moeten hun vrouwtjes in het nest verstoppen voor hun gezicht geglazuurd is met een 2cm dikke laag liefdescream.
Die Mitchel heeft mijn vriendin ge-cream-ed
She is an intelligent girl. She can’t not keep a secret. Mostly has long eyelashes which in this case she blinks to much. Not so much social.
She the most beautiful girl
Does all her assignment in time
She is quite a diva
Suffers from social depression
And not quite the person in bf/gf
“Hey Mitchell wanna go out sometime,” said Harry
“. No thanks l will pass, l would rather study,” she said