A term used to describe a draw (tie) in a game where a draw should technically not be possible. It is almost always caused by the players giving up because the outcome of the game keeps swinging back and forth like a pendulum, but in rare cases it can be caused by a rare glitch, or a crazy coincidence.
It was coined by a Trouble In Terrorist Town (TTT) Let's Player, who experienced an odd glitch where both the Traitor and the last innocent accidentally killed themselves at exactly the same time, causing the game to get confused and not start the next round. Since one of the traitors had previously summoned a bunch of bees with a bee gun, they eventually declared that the bees had won the round, since they were the only living things in the server that were still alive.
"OK, guys. You two have been playing Monopoly for hours now. Everyone else was eliminated a long time ago, and this is going nowhere. Just give up. The game's never going to end."
"You're right. The Bees Win!"
The inability to accept that words are spelled correctly or incorrectly due to the obscene diction or the even more obscene length of an essay, term paper, dissertation, etc.
Damn these bee goggles. There is no way that mispelled is spelled misspelled.
The worst person ever! Drugs her kids so they go sleep. Takes money from random guys, she doesn't work yet has $60,000 in her bank account.
someone: ewwwwwwwwwwwwww your dad talks to Paige bee!!!!!!!
A state of mind, a way to end awkward conversations, and a piece of bread lol.
Girl: Do you like me?
Me: Bee Brick
Beecum,I made that word myself,clever eh? ;)
Sounds like become right?
a strange way of saying goodbye.
god bee my brug.. god bee