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Negative Nancy

Richard Mckendre Davis lll

You are such a Negative Nancy.

by Hottest_girl39 March 30, 2024

Negative Elixer Trade

A negative elixer trade is an exchange of goods that is decidedly non-sided. This is derived from the popular mobile game clash royale, where the currency used to buy troops in battles is called elexir- if you expend too much and get little back, it is considered a negative elixer trade.

"Oh necromancy for 5 elixer? That's such a scam, huge negative elixer trade"

by AliasGoesHere June 18, 2023

negative good

When you fucking suck

"We are gonna play Negative good"

by gaynibba February 12, 2018

Negative Cue

The absence of something (some detail, signal, or anomaly) which highlights an answer to a problem or question.

Doctors used to believe all disease manifested as something foreign/outside the body attacking it. In the case of Scurvy, a lot of doctors got tunnel vision looking for a positive cue. (Some Germ or pathogen present that would explain the condition.) But none was to be found. It wasn't until biochemist Fredrick Gowland Hopkins considered what was absent (a lack of vitamin C) that the true cause of scurvy was discovered. This absence was a negative cue.

by Olive989 October 25, 2023

Negative Contact

When you cut ties with somebody and don’t even dare to get in touch with them even they “need” you for emergencies

Person 1: Didn’t your ex try to call you before she went missing
Person 2: She did but its negative contact because fuck that bitch

by Quincy2001 February 10, 2024

negative partisanship

Two parties looking separately but using a tactic of making one candidate appear like a poor choice in comparison to their opponent, making modern democracy appear legitimate.

Biden aids in the appearance of Trump as a correct choice as president for 2024, when it’s been the decision all along. All because of the beguile of negative partisanship.

by Gnostics&Numbers October 9, 2023

negative sty

negative style or someone who can’t dress well

aye buddy you look like a squid, got negative sty.

by yoollebunt January 15, 2022