A recent slang term used primarily online, similar to "no homo" but referencing the rapper Sean Combs (also known as Puff Daddy or Diddy). It's used to clarify that a previous statement isn't meant to have any homosexual connotations.
Man, that hug with my homie lasted forever. No diddy, just bros showing love.
Diddy was a gay homo rapper who touched meek mill in his booty hole. So when you say no diddy it means "No gay shit"
Bro: Im going to touch you bro.
You: Pause, No diddy.
same as saying "no homo" or "pause"
A phase used to keep the Diddler from misinterpreting what you said.
Akin to knocking on wood except for gay shit.
“Bruh, just put that shit in my mouth. No Diddy”
A respectful way to say “no homo”. You respect the gay community and fellow gay men but you would like to make it clear you don’t swing that way in a respectful manner.
Guy 1: you have a fine ass, can we grab a drink?
Guy 2: Ayo no diddy, but I’m down for a drink!
No Diddy is a new slang that replaces no homo. After P Diddy got exposed for being gay as shit and for allegedly having relations with Meek Mill and Usher.
Jamal: Yo Drake Marcus is a good looking.
Jamal: No Diddy