verb: (to) rebel against authority, whether its against the government, your parents (if you are a minor and living at your parents) or against your boss/supervisor at work or other people who have some kind of authority over you.
mother: Daniel, go do your homework instead of playing Minecraft, like watching porn, and bumble-stumbling at either Anna's house or the mall. I as your mother, by default, take away your privilege of being able to anger the Pope. Got that?
verb: (to) rebel against authority (except against the government or the legislative, judicial and executive orders) including against parents, boss/supervisor at work, teachers or others.
mother: Daniel, go do your homework instead of playing Minecraft, like bumble-stumbling at the mall or watching porn at Anna's house. For your disobedience, I, for now, take away your privilege to anger the Pope. Got that?
a word for female masturbation
hey jennifer what you doing tonight?
nothing much but i think i might be poking the pope
Im pooping but silly willie
Guess what, im poping in my khakis
Reaching around and Jerking off from behind solo while wearing a pope hat and holding a crucifix.
I like to towing the pope in the shower so it feels like I’m in the pope mobile behind the bullet proof glass.
The best, a minimum oft 2 levels above the bees knees
- scared
Jordan was the Popes-Cock of NBA players at his peak
When you and the boys are high
Guy.1 Me and the boys where so high last night
Guy.2 you guys where pope chimping
Guy.1 indeed we where