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V. To buck the trend, to swim against the tide, just like a salmon. To not be afraid of others' opinion.

Oh so you ain't going to that party tonight? You a salmonizer man. Respect.

by Devil-E December 20, 2017


To swim against the tide. To be original and unique in your own way.

Look at that girl! What a salmonizer!

Today i won't care about the style, I'll fucking salmonize.

by Devil-E September 9, 2017

Stinky Salmon

When you fuck an absolute 3 while your so croinked and zoot sandwiched and she has undiscovered stds that make her pussy smell like salmon. After you eat her pussy, you slowly turn into a salmon.

“Last night, Bob Wyoming Sampson’d the fuck out of a stinky salmon. He’s become a fish!!”

by buster_hymen69420 May 7, 2022

Salmon Co-Cakes

What some southern kids called Salmon Croquettes.

Mama fixed some salmon co-cakes today.

by Bill Mobley January 27, 2022

Alex Salmon

mishas cutie patootie
25% ranga


by LUELLAISSOCOOL November 8, 2022

salmon sniffer

Guys who like to smell dirty, bacteria infested vagina.

Guy: I love the smell of dirty pussy!! Smells like fresh caught salmon in a fish market!

Other guy: Dude you’re such a salmon sniffer!!

by Mimiko January 2, 2018


A negative state of mind best illustrated by the character of Winthorpe in the film 'Trading Places' when he gatecrashes the Duke and Duke Xmas party dressed as Santa, before drunkenly trying to eat a stolen salmon along with half his Santa beard on the bus.

Come along Dearest Sebastian, no more Mojitos for you. You know how you get all 'Salmon-beard-Santa' after too many cocktails.

by thehighyeast September 30, 2012