Source Code

A computer can't function without an operating system

A total lie usually mentioned in computer textbooks when talking about operating systems. Older computers sometimes do not have an operating system, so this is totally a lie because these computers can still function. Also, even modern computers can make use of the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) to do some basic tasks such as viewing and changing the date.

School textbooks: "A computer can't function without an operating system!"
1930s computer operator: "wtf is that"

by 48GI5N32D3D November 27, 2023

Crane Operator

The process of a man wearing a strap on and having intercourse with another person. Meanwhile the person strokes the strap on male's penis. When the male is about to cum, the person will the proceed to grab the strap on male's testicles to release the crane and deliver your prize.

Lets pretend were at the arcade tonight. We can play crane operator and see if you can win any prizes.

by CodeNameGoldMember October 1, 2021

hours of operation

A phenomenon on the show The Amazing Race where a team with a serious lead can have it completely wiped out by the operating hours of the next challenge.

"Dude, we were 7 hours ahead, we had a huge lead, but then, we hit the challenge. Hours of operation 10am - 5 pm. Damn!"

by T. W. Bush August 15, 2005

Fork and spoon operator

A large, omnivorous gastropod, typically indigenous to sector 7-G of the local nuclear power plant

"Homer Simpson sir, one of the fork and spoon operators from Sector 7-G"

"Well, he certainly has loose waggle!"

by technicallynotarson January 31, 2024

Logical Operator

An Asian kid on Twitter that thinks he's a big hacker because he owns a couple databases and runs a skid website. Often leaves Discords because he gets triggered due to people being racist to him.

People often call him LogiBear because he's obsessed with bears.

@Chessboard on Twitter

When Logical Operator cyber bullies Russian:
Stop bullying me LogiBear - Russian 2017

by Chessboard June 25, 2017

joint school operation

A piece of written homework that you do with a partner

A competent teacher will be able to tell the difference between a joint school operation and plagiarism

by Sexydimma June 22, 2017

joint school operation

an piece of written homework that you do with a partner

a competent teacher will be able to tell the difference between a joint school operation and an individually plagiarized homework

by Sexydimma July 14, 2015