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douchebag orange

A shade of orange generally worn by people defined as douchebags.

Douchebag 1 ~ Yo man! Check it, I just went to the spray tan shop and got me a new shade of douchebag orange!

Douchebag 2 ~ AWESOME! Dude it totally matches your Ed Hardy shirt!

by Shut it! February 10, 2010

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Dirty Orange

A Dirty Orange is simply a Dirty Orange. It is a citric sphere and orange substance. A Dirty Orange can be a description of a persons scent or personality. If your describing someones scent, It means that they smell citric with a hint of shit. If your describing someones personality, it could mean fun loving, sweet but perverted and foul.

" Your such a dirty orange! you smell tangy!!"
"Your such a dirty orange at times!! your such a perv but I cant stay mad at you!!"

by SurpriseButtsex2012 January 4, 2012

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otto the orange

The official mascot of Syracuse University.

"Hey, isn't the Otto the Orange with the cheerleaders?"
"It sure is."

by Student at S.U. August 28, 2007

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Orange Dawn

Orange Dawn is an update of Red Dawn (1984).

Tag line: No foreign power has occupied the American Presidency. Until Now.

Opening narration: Russia finds a weak, loser, pseudo-billionaire to manipulate... Russia invests in social media bot technology and social media ads, and hacks the political parties in the United States... In 2016 Russia installs an Orange Puppet President. This is the Orange Dawn.

In Red Dawn, the war cry is Wolverine!

In Orange Dawn the war cry is Halloween!

The Mueller investigation is exploring the effects of Orange Dawn.

by NeologianPJG February 1, 2018

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agent orange

A chemical defoliant.

I had to use Agent Orange to defoliate B-rock's mama's cooch.

by nug March 13, 2003

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orange person

A new race of people. They wear wayyyy to much bronze make-up and therefore look like oranges.

See ugly

My sister is an orange person.

by Allie Balalie March 2, 2005

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A Clockwork Orange

a BOOK an amazing BOOK and an amazing movie but mostly it is one of the best BOOKS around

clockwork orange is a BOOK

by Sairah Malawista November 16, 2004

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