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pen fright

The fear of signing your name on a document or committing your signature to a written contract.

He could not sign the contract because of his pen fright.

by Fargofun May 27, 2011


Kendall Jenner’s teeth whitening pen.

The Ken-Pen helped average Janes become celebrities to some extent.

by Coop Dupe August 8, 2020

klicky klicky pen

when a boy needs a pen they say I need a klicky klicky pen then the ask everyone for a klicky klicky pen.

hey ava can I have a klicky klicky pen ava: no ask maria hey maria can i have a klicky klicky pen maria: no ask and then it goes on

by ILOVECRIS December 13, 2023

klicky klicky pen

a klicky pen is a pen that is klicky and when boy needs a pen they say give me a klicky klicky pen and they ask everyone for a klicky klicky pen

he ava can i have a klicky klicky pen pleaseeeeeeeee

by ILOVECRIS December 13, 2023

Full pen

Full penetration. Usually in reference to sex, especially sex acts on screen.

Shia recently did a movie with an intense sex scene. Rumor has it they went full pen.”

by December 3, 2020

Bull Pen

The group of chicks in a dude’s phone he only calls for booty calls.

Like the baseball reference; where the pitchers hang out, waiting to be called into the game.

The bar is closing soon and I haven’t hooked up yet. I might have to call the Bull Pen tonight.

by Fore Right June 5, 2021

on pen

seriously, ong, im bein real with u, short for pencil which is super serious

1: “On pen bruh, ur chill for real
2: “it means a lot u said that on pen

by redyua June 6, 2024