A term mostly used in the game called Dead By Daylight. It's when a survivor throws the game away by sabotaging each individual survivor to their deaths. Therefore losing the match when it should've been a W.
This Muthafucka just Phat Teched us!
When someone knows there fat and they actually like it
Here comes phat a kiss
The most delicious, freshest and juiciest customisable burgers in the UK. By far better than Five Guys from a mile.
One of the most incredible hoomans persons. Anyone that has the privilege of being aware of his existence should be grateful and considered lucky. GREAT with the mooziks and extremely sweet and kind. THE SHAJAZZIEST PERSON TO BREATHE IN THE HISTORY OF THINGS THAT BREATHE.
Person 1: Phat Bird
Person 2: yes
When a girl gets punched, whacked, flicked or kicked in the pussy and the lips begin to swell and become sore
"Dude I totally gave my girlfriend a phat lip last night!"
"Did you punch her??"
"Yeah right in the pussy!"
Bust a phat hurry, my parents will be home soon.