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Pinky Winky

verb: best described as a purple nurple of the penis. ie, grabbing hold of a soft penis and twisting it either clockwise or counter clockwise

Person A: everything okay man?

Person B: not really bro, last night my girlfriend gave me a pinky winky and it still hurts

by kristeyen June 17, 2015

Edward Scissor Pinky

Bros with long pinky nails with the specific purpose for nose picking.

Tom said, “Ouch Andy! You just scratched me with them pinky nails. Get them cut bro!”

Andy said, “I can’t. I need them to pick my nose.”

Tom said, “What? That’s some Edward Scissor Pinky shit!”

by Annoy the Pinoy Boy October 10, 2023

The Pinky test

The pinky test is a unit of measurement only suitable for establishing whether the length of a joint is acceptable or not.

That joint looks tiny does it even pass the pinky test?

by Taj manzoor January 3, 2023

horizontal pinky

Cosplay involving steampunk attire and sex on a velvet lined pool table, pool cue optional

Last night got a bit wild, ended up doing the horizontal pinky with a girl from idaho

by Milesotoole February 1, 2015


A Pinkie is a younger version of a "Twink".
Many times younger and too small to be a Twink.

Refering to the size and posture of the pinkie finger on your hand.

David is too young, he is a Pinkie

by Wettissue July 23, 2022


God of the multiverses

Omg did you see Lord Pinkie?? They're Lord of the multiverses! I feel so privileged to have breathed the same air as them.

by pinkieisdead January 24, 2022


Made a pinky promise using your pinky finger.

Dad is reading me a book tonight, he pinkied me.

by Partyofsix February 15, 2022