Source Code

Cocoa Puff

When tossing salad and your partner passes gas in your mouth

I was tossing Rachel’s salad and she ripped a cocoa puff into my puff

by Dr Zloto April 26, 2018

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Wipple Puff

Somebody who sniffs a seat after someone was sitting on it

Do you see that guy? He just sniffed that seat after that women got up! What a wipple puff!

by crab man September 30, 2008

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coon puff

Def 1: Another name for gingersnap cookies while playing the board game Monopoly.

Not to be confused with a nigga's cheese puffs.

"DAAAMMMMNNNN, those coon puffs were off the wi-zall!!!"

"That guy is such a coon puff"

by w00tsauce!!1! December 14, 2006

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muff puff


would anyone like a muff puff

by GUSTOVTHEGREAT December 8, 2010

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jizz puff

- A puff of jizz.
- A tissue used to absorb jizz.
- Albino cousin to jiggly puff.

"Woa man, did you just see that jizz puff...eh...float by?"

"Check out this cleenex, I drew a cartoon on it, but don't touch the other side, as I've been using it as a jizz puff."

"Was that a white jiggly puff?"
"Why, no friend, that was a JIZZ puff. They are very rare."

by vincelives September 9, 2006

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Buff Puffs

Term describing nude Powerpuff Girls. AKA Powerpuffs in the Buff, Naked Puffs, Nudie Puffs, Powerpuff hentai, Powerpants Girls, etc. Can be applied to the girls in sexual situations, dressing, or just being in their birthday suits with no ill or perverse intentions.

Volt: Hey look I found some PPG porn. D: They be litle Buff Puffs.
Cem: They look like little hands. D:
Volt: Holy crap. They do! O.o

by Volt November 9, 2004

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Chunky Puffs

A chunky cereal with mild chunkyness and sugar. A word used by many online noobs.

Person 1: I had chunky puffs this morning!
Person 2: n00b

by KIRIFUDA November 22, 2006

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