When the waves are firing and producing many barrels
I got shacked so hard, it was just raining barrels!
Black rain refers to two atmospheric events:
Nuclear fallout, particularly with regard to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Rain polluted with dark particulates such as rain dust
If you don't get in the black rain is going to kill you.
Raining Rembrandt is the art of covering your buthole with multiple colors of paint and farting them on something or somebody else.
Last night John gave that girl from the bar an imense Raining Rembrandt.
A hobo that when it severe thunderstorms or hurricanes, will seek shelter in the nearest building or open door they can find.
“Keep that door shut, it’s raining out and you don’t want the rain hobos to get in!”
A person's tears. When a person is overcome with emotion, prepare for the personal rain.
Wendy: Abigail found out that her granny died moments after she saw a post of Seth with Lizzie. She was a mess!
Toni: Wow! I'm sure there was a 100% chance of personal rain that day.
Wendy: There certainly was and I needed my rubbers to make it through the flood.
Toni: That's a bit excessive, don't you think, Wendy?"
Standing There Not Knowing If You Should Protect Yourself From It, or Get Wet And Wait For The Rainbow That Follows.
I woke up this morning feeling Little Rain.