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A rap

what someone says at the end of a freestyle or conversation

rapper 1: you think u a G but u aint like me u faker then a fortune teller with caller I.D
rapper 2:uhh *stutters*
rapper 1: thats a rap!

by jcflo November 18, 2007

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Not very good shit.

at all, music that shows womanizers, gangsters and theives what to do. Some also claim that rap is infact

R etards
A ttempting
P oetry

Me: Dad, what's rap?

Dad: Not very good shit.

by George Martin January 27, 2008

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Geze the California rapper says rap is the lyric part of a rap track (song). You don't need a beat to rap. If you want to find raps then you have to search for rap lyrics. This search will help you get the real definition that you want. Now a rap song yeah, that's what the radio plays or the music store sells. The definition of rap is lyrics. With or Without a track (beat) with it.

i told my blood to rap so he started flowing some New York shit..

by GEZE September 8, 2015

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A form of music adapted from Funk and R&B. Developed in the early 1980's and is still very popular. Rapping is expressing ones feelings through rhymes (a form of poetry), with or without a beat.

Rappers uses rhyming to express themselves.

by nintendoom November 15, 2008

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rapis about fucking hoes,not taking shit from any one,getting fucked up,getting paid,not falling in love with hoes.rockers are pussy

rocker my girlfriend cheated on me"starts crying"
rapper elroy fucked my girl but i don't care,i got another bitch but when i see elroy im gonna beat dat niggas ass scrait up.

by elrando321513 December 25, 2007

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This Eminem song is so boss! rap

by Rap__fan954 April 29, 2011

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Remble Rap/Clarity Rap

Remble Rap/Clarity Rap os a type of rap invented by the rapper ItsRemble. He uses vocabulaΕ•y often too advanced for the average human to understand.

Jim: Au have yoy heardnof the rapper ItsRemble?

Ray: No who is he?

Jim: Well, he invented his own style of rap called Remble Rap/ Clarity Rap which is bassicaly rapping but using way more vocab!!!

Ray: Oh cool can I listen?

Jim: Yeah you can find him on his YT ItsRemble, hiis songs are HEEEEAAAATT!!!!!

I love Remble Rap/Clarity Rap!!

by Fheudh August 25, 2021