Robert Matthews is a welsh name. Robert meaning kind, and caring and Matthews meaning loveable and good looking. Many people in the southern areas of the U.K are called Robert Matthews, as Robert is a very popular name which can be shortened in to Rob, Robbie, Bob, Bobby and many more. Matthews is also a popular surname, especially in the Welsh southern areas of the U.K.
"Oh Robert Matthews is a kind boy!"
"I met ANOTHER Robert yesterday!"
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Chief Justice of the United States.
John Roberts replaced the late William Rehnquist as Chief Justice of the United States.
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The first Australian King of Scotlandno seriously he was a bad ass mother, who eventually took his head from out his own ass,and inspired by William Wallace(an even badder mother)and an unnamed spider! decided to kick the shit out the EnglishFags! HOORAY!!(Huge Roar From All Over The World Except England)Secured Scotlands Independence at the battle of Bannockburn1314.Sadly many modern Scots forget this and like to keep voting for the Westminster based Labour Partyor LibDems and some even Defy Logic Still and like the Tories.So all in all King Robert's Heroic Efforts were Sadly in vain!
English Troops:Run Lads It's Robert The Bruce We are Doomed! Never mind chaps we will have those scotch twats in our pockets 700 years from now HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Evil Grin)
''When will we see their likes again?''
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British dude who got famous for his interpretation of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and got even more famous after playing the role of Edward Cullen on the movie Twilight. Adored by millions of stupid fans,who blindly think he is gorgeous, not realizing that his flat face really look's like he was hit by a big, hard, flat plank when he was little, leaving him hideous for the rest of his life. He doesn't give a shit about what his fans think about him and likes to drink and get hung over.
fan 1: Oh look there is Robbert Pattinson!
fan 2: OMG he is so gorgeous! Hey Robert! sign us an autograph!
Robert Pattinson: stupid fans... why can't they go get a life and leave me be?
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Robert Green is (although, we'll see how long that lasts) a goal keeper for the English National Football Team. His job as goalie is to prevent the opposing team from scoring, but his utter, horrendous fuck up against the US National Team (specifically a very poorly kicked ball from Clint Dempsey), on June 12th, 2010, has made his name synonymous with any major clusterfuck to befall an unwitting human being.
Personally, I like the guy. I mean, I almost had him confused with an opposing, professional goalie, but that was cleared up around minute 40 of that match.
Dude 1: Yo, did you catch that soft ass goal that Clint Dempsey scored against Robert Green?
Dude 2: Yeah man, Robert Green is the softest motherfucker on the face of the Earth. British soccer hooligans have probably murdered his entire family.
Dude 1: I'm so glad we tied that, and maybe Robert Green's fuck up will make Capello put in Calamity James as keeper! THAT'LL work out well for those stupid Brits!
Dude 3: What the fuck is soccer?
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An amazing school like if I go to str ur cool u probably come home smelling like rice and are 99% probably Asian so u either like or have a small dick btw this is gonna be 1 sentence if u get above a 30% percent average at str u probably have no life and study everyday our principal looks like a basketball and probably rapes kids like the last 7 did when I went to str looking at all the girls did something to me IT MADE ME GAY thanks for ur time bye :/
Go to a school besides st Roberts
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