All started from misfits now I cant imagine a world with out I swear to god one day i am going to marry the hell out off you and make soo many great memories. I want you to be my valentines every year and grow old with you and have it be like just yesterday we started dating then remember all the things we've done and realise how far we came. I cant imagine my life with out you, you honestly the person in this world that makes me feel good about myself and happy so thank you. I promise I never ever wnat to lose you no matter what and ill keep my word to that. One day you'll wake up with breakfast in bed because ill be living with you and I cant wait for that day to be living with you and have a full zoo going on inside our house off cute animals such as onion and itll be great. One day i promise. Happy valentines day you dummy i love you Ruby Leigh Bernadette Marie Frost.
I am going to change you in one way and thats with calling you Ruby Bickerton and not Ruby Frost
Tall loving kind lady/girl who never says no to somethink good has green or Brown eyes has a lot of friends cousin name jack or shrek
Ruby martin i love you
ruby vr is very good at gorilla tag and with absolutely break your ankles
OMG hes so good is that ruby vr?!
Ruby rae is fun and outgoing She loves to skateboard. she's only ever dated people she truly loves and hides when she's sad after a breakup. She's probably still in the friend zone trying to get back with someone from their school. Speaking of school she hates it. Her motto is something along the lines of "don't scoot at a skatepark!"
Ruby rae took me skating this week her kick flips are so Good!
She is the funniest girl ever and is very nice,people hate her though which is sad
Ruby duke is amazing
Another way of saying "you really fucked it up this time."
You Ruby Rosed it up this time.