Russell is different he has been thru a lot and doesn't care if you know he is weird but sexy funny and all around perfect he doesn't need you to coddle him he has own back and yours too of you'll let him
Boyfriend too many, satisfied none!
Thinking your in for a big night of sex but he can never get it up after talking himself up. He's such a russell
A rather damp man who is often narcissistic and charming who might offer aggressive unwanted sexual advances.
Be careful. I think he might be a Russell
A simp for a girl typically named cathrine, and ditches the boys for her, usually for dumb reasons
Russell : “I gotta go, I’m going out with Catherine for our 8 month anniversary”
Everyone else: “anniversaries are annual bruh”
Russell :*Leaves the boys*
A short guy who talks big, backstabs you whenever he/she gets the chance
Wow that guy’s such a Russell.
If you know someone with this name, Russell, count yourself lucky. They are totally awesome dudes. They are smart, dedicated, honest, talented, fun, wise, goofy, dorky, nerdy, funny, sexy, caring, romantic, thoughtful, tender AND cute. They make the best husbands!
It means Red haired and fox like. So if you meet a ginger named Russell, well that’s just like, luckier than finding a unicorn pooping a four leaf clover under a horseshoe help up by a leprechaun!
Also, well, they are almost always very well endowed so there’s that.
If you meet a Russell, you should never, and I repeat, never ever let them go. They should be a permanent fixture in your life as a friend, member of your framily or lover. TRUST!
Russell is the sexiest name, and they are are always so hot!