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A place where adults jack kids up on speed, commonly known as Ritalin, so that they will sit still and pay attention long enough to listen to adults tell them to just say no to pot.

Teacher: Joanna was caught smoking marijuana behind the school building today. She must not have been listening when we talked about the dangers of drugs, so we are going to put her on a hard drug Ritalin to make it easier for her to pay attention.

by Malafides Lucius April 1, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


School is a place where wiggers try to get too much attention (in class, in hallways, incafeteria etc.) School is supposed to help you practice for the futur, and practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so why bother practicing?

Oh no! A wigger! Oh my god... purses everywhere... Oh look! we can see his boxers, his pants are down to his knees!

by Andrea March 13, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A less tortrous concentration camp

Rupert went to school, only to be tortured even more.

by Rachel June 6, 2004

18๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A living fucking hell. The teachers are demons in disguise. The principal is fucking Satan. That's school for you.

Person 1: I love school!
Person 2: Get the fuck out of my house.

by quacker_ February 22, 2021


A place you go to make sure your youth doesn't get too interesting

Wanna do something else than going to school today?
Yeah, not really, i've been in school so much i'm not really comfortable doing anything else than been told what to do

by Janzord April 4, 2016



Boy 1: Define school

Boy 2: Okay Six cruel hours of our lives
Boy 1: yes

by Myst3ry_Cat April 29, 2019


The prison that the government locks innocent children aged 4-18 in to deal with mental psychopaths they call teachers. They teach them how to be racist arrogant low-life fuckers that hate foreign countries, just how the government does

Kid: Mom can I go to a different school? My ass hurts from all the diarrhea I had in algebra yesterday
Mom: Ok, I'll have to sue the government and beat the fuck out of your principal
Dad: Deal with it son, it's just the first week, quit being a pussy

by Food in Africa ate the kids November 15, 2015