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National Shrek Day

June 4th is the day where you binge watch all shrek movies. Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

β€œHey Billy, when is National Shrek Day?”

β€œPraise our lord and savior... Shrek... Shrek...Shrek”

by A_Step Chicken May 19, 2020

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Shrek's ogre cock

The cock that belongs to the ogre shrek. Also know as the shrock

Holy shit imagine being slapped in the face by shrek's ogre cock

by TR4N5G3ND3R March 19, 2019

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Shrek vs. Shaggy

The most powerful and most insane battle of all time.

No way! Its the Shrek vs. Shaggy battle!

by xPhotonx March 21, 2019

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Byakuya x shrek

better than any other ship in existence. Your ship in dr? I N V A L I D /j

Byakuya x Shrek is the best

by Doodoo fartπŸ˜– January 28, 2021

Shrek 2'ed

When you're watching Shrek 2 with your date and they promptly leave afterwards.

"Yo man, how'd your date go?"

"Pretty bad, I got Shrek 2'ed."

by Agent Tony Gunk January 28, 2020

spicy shrek memes

An often used phrase when talking about a popular movie made in early 2000's. Other search words can be "Dank," "Delicious," or "Sexy."

-"Man. I masturbate to spicy Shrek memes. It's good stuff."

by BlurbPancake April 5, 2018

donkey from shrek

Draymond green

I'm draymond green and I'm a donkey from shrek

by Tj36@4 February 24, 2017