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Philadelphia underground rapper who has potential grow and bigger then most with his alienation music.

Dawg you hear SILENTS new Album?? He's really Pain Of The Streets if you ask me

by Unknown assassinate July 18, 2022

Silent G

A good nickname for someone whose first name is Angus.

"You know Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor? Does he have a nickname?"

"Why yes! It is 'Silent G'. "

"That makes sense."

by silent-g March 19, 2024

Silent Secret

When one ejaculates into another persons ear causing a silent scenario much like an ear plug. it is a secret because it is delivered directly into the ear.

When i pulled out i grabbed her hair and gave her a silent secret. She didn't even hear it cumming!

by ninjawise December 14, 2019

Silent opinion

When people are talking about tense subjects that you have an opinion about...instead of giving your opinion you just keep yours silent.

Man Jerry’s really quiet he hasn’t even said anything about politics. He must be dealing with his silent opinion.

by Anonymous1500 September 16, 2020


To have a thought or idea, and forget it right away. As if you came up with the idea while staring at one of the Silence, and then looked away.
Coming from Doctor Who, where the order known as the Silence are "memory-proof", so you can only remember them while you look at them, and you forget them when you look away. The Silence uses post-hypnotic suggestion to make people do their bidding without people realizing what they're doing or why.

Doctor: "Amy, Rory: I have a great idea!"
Amy: "What is it?"
Doctor: "Uhh… I forget…."
Rory: "Hah. You just Silented!"

by WeAreTheSilence November 26, 2012

sentenially silent science silence

Deliberated silence utlised and planned as a form of modus operandi

Sentenially silent science silence coalesced convalescence contemplated complacency.

by Hercolena Oliver May 28, 2010

silent insult

To offend someone without directly insulting them.

You think your sly with your silent insults

by Skitzo Tha Legacy August 9, 2014