Vicks VapoRub for those sick days innit
Ayo i got some spicy grubba for that likkle cough
A man who will dick you down, but is expecting drugs in payment; usually Meth or Heroin.
Hey baby are you hungry? No, I had "spicy Alex" for lunch.
Suburban dad in Maplewood/South Orange NJ who’s a member of a WhatsApp group chat of the same name.
Who’s going to be at this party?
Oh you know, the spicy bois and th-
Ok cool but… like… you know I was up till like 1130 last night shelling those chestnuts for that damn Real Simple recipe right? Why are you pretending you didn’t know it was those idiots all along. I swear I don’t understand you sometimes, like how your brains works…
A blow job that includes the girl sucking on ice and Fishermen's friends beforehand to give a "chilly" and tingly experience for both parties involved.
Yo man, Jessica gave me a spicy sailor last night, Game Changer.
Wtf is that, Some sort of drink?
Nah it's a blow job with ice and fishermen's friends taken prior to the main event.
Falatio with the addition of a hot sauce eg Tabasco, while you are receiving it you hold on to your partners ears and twist them like you’re riding a motorcycle.
My wife got the sweet chilli sauce out last night had one hell of a Spicy Biker
Phrase used to describe the emission of an unpleasant odor by an object or person. Typically used when someone is wearing too much cologne or has not showered in a while.
Sudeep, you're coming in spicy this morning.