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Clam Stroke

The women's pussy is so wet it resembles a clam and the stroke of the man/women tongue makes the pussy even more wet. creating the clam stroke.

Can't believe i witnessed Rebecca's Clam Stroke it was so hot i'm getting one tonight
Did you see the way Ross gave Rachel a Clam Stroke
Gosh i really want a Clam Stroke but my boyfriend isn't kinky

by tacomama0000 March 25, 2018

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Only like a specific color of race, hair, and features.

Iโ€™m color-stroke because I only like lighter skinned men.

by J-Maria June 10, 2021

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rye stroke

Usually occurs in men after drinking too much rye.
One eye closes and one side of the mouth turns into a sneer.
The rye stroke can also induce rye rage.

I really can't drink rye too much anymore, or I become offensive and I get the rye stroke.

by perkycarrot August 2, 2011

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Two stroke

When a man is getting a hand job from his girlfriend and he's passing gas.

While getting a hand job Michael is ripping ass. Heather says "sweet two stroke bro."

by Cupcakefacekilla187 December 24, 2020

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Grammar Stroke

The act of making many typos whilst talking via IM, email, or text.

PERSON ONE: AJAAJJAAJ. i din'tn ven knowtice.

PERSON TWO: what? what just happened to you?

PERSON ONE: i think i just had a grammar stroke...

by kellycakes March 12, 2010

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stroke a toke

Basketball slang. Especially in 2k15. Used by people with accents from the islands

"Ohh stroke a toke" -he just got crossed or dunked on

by BasketballKillah April 21, 2015

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vinegar strokes

A method of swimming; you have front crawl, back crawl, breasts stroke, butterfly stroke and vinegar stroke. You prepell yourself through the water by girating your hips like your giving it to a woman.
You can prepell yourself backward using the same method...just by doing it on your back.

"and now for the 50 metres vinegar stroke final"

by WouthoR March 25, 2003

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