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Study neck

You neck hurts from doing too much studying.

I was up studying all night, and now I have study neck.

by ShondaNicole December 16, 2011

Gorilla Neck

(noun): The terminology used to describe the neck of one, typically a man, who has outrageous and absurd amounts of hair on the back of their neck. Where the hairline typically ends, his continues past his collar and into his shirt - possibly uniting with his back hair.

"I sit behind that kid in Geometry class, all I see is HAIR! He has such a Gorilla Neck!"

by GrossedOutGirl December 1, 2009

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fur neck

Those individuals who have an overabundance of chest hair to the point where it seems to migrate up their neck toward the chin area.

Kevin's not wearing a turtle neck sweater...he just has a bad case of fur neck.

by naussdollar March 15, 2005

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Neck talk

Talking nonsense, or bullshit.

Used primarily in Phoenix, AZ

β€œYou know I fuck bitchz on the daily bro”
β€œThat’s a whole lot of neck talk nigga.”
β€œYeah, you got me. I’m gay”

by Southsidemenace April 17, 2019

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Stretching Neck

An intense deep throat blow job.

Yo, that girl is known for stretching neck,be careful, you might fall in love.

by Daikaiju February 22, 2015

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rainbow neck

A homosexual redneck. A hillbilly who is part of the LGBT+ community.

Those dang rainbow necks with their moonshine and drag shows are sure loud!

by TDCAMP January 21, 2020

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grizzle neck

Term originated from Jamaican patios. Used to describe people who are always up to mischief and adventure. Recently this term has been adopted by the independent clothing brand GNK which original stood for grizzle neck kids.

Term would be used in the following way: "See my boy Trilla yeah, he's been a grizzle neck from day"


"I know my mans a straight grizzle neck but he ain't ever treated me like your fool of a boyfriend"

by Mr GNK September 7, 2013

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