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Scared and coughing

Why did you jump out at me without my inhaler? I'm derping!

by Derping4life December 3, 2020


To cough and be scared at the same time. Changed from the previous definition as no one uses this word anymore. Term Coined by Callmekevin 2.61 sub youtuber.

I was derping all night because of my asthma, and the man in my window that seemed to be Jim Pickens.

by CMK Community December 3, 2020


Scared and coughing

CallMeKevin is derping so hard.

by Meaninglessspaghetti December 3, 2020


Coughing and scared at the same time.

Why is no one else derping, I can't relate to anyone sometimes.

by OGchilli December 4, 2020


Coughing and scared at the same time

Excuse me for my derping.

by gop890 December 4, 2020


Coughing and scared at the same time

I was completely derping while playing that game

by Cptvodkaboi December 4, 2020


scared and coughing

"See? All that derping for nothing." -CallMeKevin

by dawnlemon December 4, 2020