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I'm phelan like Pat did

When you're so angry with someone you momentarily feel like commiting murder. This term was thought to originate from the British Soap character Pat Phelan, an infamous serial killer.

I'm so angry that he stole my ergonomic pen. I'm phelan like Pat did.

by Corrieface November 12, 2020

Pat short people on the head week

You get to pat people under 5'3" from October 22nd-29th

girl- Stop hitting my head!

you- i can tho bc it's pat short people on the head week

by sleepychicken0511 October 21, 2023

Perky Ass Tits Syndrome (PATS)

To have tits that grow on your ass and to be removed you must have them burnt off.
Celebrities who have PATS: Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Bono.

That girl was diagnosed with Perky Ass Tits Syndrome (PATS)

by chrisssssssssslol August 23, 2014

6👍 46👎

pat fans

pat fans: someone with a small penis but long hands and substitutes his fingers for his penis to please a woman

Woman 1: “last night was amazing! He had like a 6in dick and it was like it could move on it’s own never getting soft!”

Woman 2: “are you sure he wasn’t just a pat fans?”

Woman 1: “...”

by Galactic Jammer April 23, 2018

Pat Barham

The best of the eight founding fathers of the Beta Beta chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Mississippi and the subject of praise and glory at every drinking event of the fraternity.

Raise your glasses to Pat Barham!

To Pat Barham!

by BetaGreat1393 December 2, 2010

hard pat

What Daves girlfriend does to him to keep him up all night. Also known as a handjob.

She gave me a hard pat and her hands were soft!

by Sparky1988 December 6, 2017

pat barry

A “pat Barry” is someone who went to CHS moved to Charlotte North Carolina, and is dummy thicc and likes to fart seamen out his buttcrack

1: wanna go steal some beers and make antifreeze

2: don’t be a pat Barry

1: you rigjt

by Godlycontent March 25, 2019