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gaytown, (place)

The part of a certain area that has more LGBT people and support then other parts of the state

Austin and Houston is gaytown, (place) Texas

by dO I LOOK- January 11, 2022

This place is now officially gone

No future for America

This place is now officially gone

by WorseThanHitler January 8, 2021

habibis place

habibis place is a discord server for quackity fans that was made by ge0gresgnf on tiktok on 30 december 2021

Person 1:are in the server habibis place on discord?
Person 2: no send me the link.

by habibisplace December 30, 2022

eternal meaningless place

A place that doesn't have a beginning or end and doesn't have a purpose for existing.

The Backrooms are an eternal meaningless place.

by alien51051 April 8, 2023

Work Place Bitch

The insufferable, horrid and annoying type of coworker that some people inevitably encounter at work. They're usually kiss asses to the management wich they think gives them a free pass to act like one with their coworkers. They're also the coworker that chooses to do more work than everyone else (regardless if people are slacking off or not), take on more responsibility than they can handle, deliberately burn themselves out and constantly complain about doing most of the work. Deep down at their core they want attention, they're credibly insecure and are most likely butt ugly individuals that almost no one wants to fuck.

Person#1. Don't make me do all of the work!

Person#2. No one is making you do all if the work. You're choosing to do all of the work and take on more that what you can handle. Stop being a Work Place Bitch and get a life!

by Flower347joy December 7, 2021

Public Place Itches

When you’ve been in a dirty public place, likely a city like Nashville on Broadway or the “L” in Chicago and you get home and have to take all your clothes off and shower but still feel itchy.

*scratches itches all over one’s torso after returning home from Broadway and bumping butts with a hundred people
“Man, I got the public place itches!!”

by CBer361 May 31, 2023

The place

"The place" is the mental state where one simply wants to curl up under a blanket in a dark room and sleep for hours. To be in "the place" is to be that special kind of demotivated, tired and anxious that makes you want to avoid responsibility and the rest of the world in favor of a cozy cave.

Friend - "It's 7am, let's make coffee and go on a hike!"
Me - "That sounds great but I'm in the place right now, can we do it tomorrow?"

by you know December 21, 2020