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Waste of hotness

When hot chicks are extremey prude/annoying as fuck

Joe: man Zoe is really hot but she is prude as fuck.
Dominic: yeah bro i know shes is a total waste of hotness

by creator of waste of hotness March 21, 2011

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No Xp Waste

No matter what always earn experience to try to get better, faster, stronger.

John: Dudee lets go party!
Andrew: Cant man I gotta hit the gym, no xp waste today.

by Thonatos January 9, 2013

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Wasting away

When someone who is soo fat is just standing there eating food...

"hey! look at skinny (sarcastic) over there wasting away.."

by clive smith May 30, 2005

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Wasted Angels

Rock n Roll band from Manchester, UK.. Their Debut EP 'Sinners' is to be released in Sept 09.

Wasted Angels Rule

by WAhotrockchick June 25, 2009

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Lay Waste

The act of releasing a thick, pungent fart around a person or object.

Hey dood, I'm about to lay waste to Mrs.Bouziane's desk!

by Maximus P. Witherspoon April 24, 2016

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Vegas Wasted

Named after Pittsburgh Rapper "Vegas" This is simply when you drink to the point where you start talking british, making out with the anyone of the opposite sex. and not giving a fuck. Doing this eventually leads to Puking and/or Passing out.

Dude #1: "Ugh....Dude, I feel like shit"

Dude #2: "Bro, you were gone lastnight man

Dude #1: I was...fuckin....Vegas Wasted

Dude #1:.......{PUKESS!!!}

by Vegas! August 13, 2012

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Wasted sex

Sex that could have happened, that should have happened but did not happen because the guy said or did something so incredibly stupid, and as a result turned the girl completely off and kill the mood.

Lisa : Hey Kristen. Did you ever hook up with that guy Brandon?

Kristen : Omg no way. My shirt was off and he started talking about how he kills puppies. What a night of wasted sex! He was hot till he said that!

by gemchic81 March 17, 2017

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