Refers to a bowl of marijuana pack in a pipe with crushed up Oxycodone sprinkled on top. Oxycodone is generally not sprinkled into a bag of weed purchased from a dealer. It is applied on top of a bowl of marijuana that the user herself loads.
"Do you have any Oxy left over from your knee surgery? Let's smoke a glitter bowl."
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A way of telling a "hoe" to "shut up" without arousing suspicion.
Two or three hoes walk by, you hear their annoying chatter and retort, "cheddar bowl!" " Yeah you!."
They look confused, but you literally just told dem' hoes to shut their hoe ass mouths. Cheddar bowl.
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When you're too cheap to buy wet wipes but you know your butt will need major cleaning so you dip your toilet paper in the toilet water preemptively.
I ate 3 burritos earlier today so I did a bowl dip.
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A green bowl is a bowl of marijuana that has no tobacco in it, just pure marijuana green. Many people like to mix tobacco with their marijuana, and others do not. People who prefer to smoke marijuana by itself usually refer to them as green bowls so people don't accidentally give them popper's. A popper is a bowl of marijuana and tobacco mixed. Green bowl's usually give a nice clean marijuana high, while a popper gives a nasty high that gives a huge head rush, kills your throat and makes you dizzy. Of course everyone has a right to their own opinion since many enjoy popper's but I personally prefer a nice green bowl.
Example 1:
Popper Smoker: You want a hit?
Green Bowl Smoker: Is that a popper or a green bowl?
Popper Smoker: It's a popper.
Green Bowl Smoker: No thanks, I only smoke green bowl's.
Popper Smoker: Why not?
Green Bowl Smoker: Poppers kill my throat and make me too dizzy, although the head rush is nice. But not worth it.
Popper Smoker: More for me!
Example 2:
Green Bowl Smoker: Yo dude do you have any weed I can smoke? I'm all out.
Popper Smoker: Yeah sure, open my weed case its all in there grinded up.
Green Bowl Smoker: Alright thanks man. -opens case- Wait you already grinded this stuff up with tobacco!
Popper Smoker: Is that a problem?
Green Bowl Smoker: You know I don't smoke popper's man! Now I got no weed to smoke!
Popper Smoker: That ain't my problem, just man up and smoke it!
Green Bowl Smoker: Fine. -takes hit and starts coughing like crazy and gets fucked up-
Popper Smoker: -chuckles- Ahahahaha!
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A feat only quick poopers can achieve, the bowl in one is when you flush the toilet -before- you sit on it and quickly shit right as the water is being flushed so the shit travels with it down the pipe.
Guy 1: "Dude how the fuck do you take shits so quickly?"
Guy 2: "I actually trained for my asshole for 3 years in the mountains to be able to shit so quickly that I could make a bowl in one."
Guy 1: "Why the fuck am I friends with you?"
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A "baby bowl" is an especially skimpy bowl of marijauna that is intended to mildy alter its users, instead of getting them completely blasted.
Satan_666: Hey Nick, do want to smoke a fat bowl in my lair?
Nick_PeArB0y_18: Naw, dude! I have a huge Byzantine History mid-term tomorrow.
Satan_666: Come on, it'll just be a baby bowl. You won't be high for that long.
Nick_PeArB0y_18: Fine, dog. But only a baby, lol!
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The act of making a bowl of cereal inside of a girl's vagina and then proceeding to eat it out. Using a spoon is optional.
Wow, I must have put on at least 3 pounds last night after I continuously cereal bowl'd Ally.
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