See queef and crop dusting. ..
When a waitress walks by your table and you realize, that noise wasn't the fajitas.
That stewardess keeps queef dusting us.
It's what happens when you over roast your caterpillars.
The awe-inspiring speeds and temperatures inside a modern jet engine are its own downfall when invaded by larval dust.
Slang for passing gas as you walk in front of someone
you just got mud dusted!
Trash and debris blown up into unsuspecting patrons faces as a bus leaves the curb
1. "Aw man my eye ! Stupid bus dust!"
2. Person 1:Dude you can't eat that sandwhich !!
Person 2:Why?!! It's just a little dirt
Person 1:"No dude ,It's bus dust!"
When one farts in a public place and quickly hits an electronic cigarette to cover up the stench.
Dude I think Andy just vape dusted us. I smell strawberry-kiwi with staunch undertones of ass.
I accidentally let one rip at work so I had to do some vape dusting to cover my tracks.
One who thrusts their penis into a woman who is considered elderly.
That guy is a total dust thruster; that woman is older than my grandma
When someone passes gas and walks away, trailing the smell behind them. Commonly used as a tactic to avoid taking the fall of getting called out in public.
Bob: "Who was just crop-dusting?"
*Looks down the hall to see everyone passed out*