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Wall War

On facebook, when you get into an intense dicussion with someone and both of your profiles' walls get filled up with posts from the other person. This can occur about drama, or when you're trying to make big plans for the weekend.

"Did you hear about all the drama with Susie?"

"Yeah, Jake and I got in a huge wall war about it"

by Houseofpayne July 2, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

bitch wall

a person being used by someone else purely for the purpose of having their complaints heard

daz: whyd she call?
adza: she was just using me as her bitch wall so i hung up on her

by dazbang December 20, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Wall

Random mind blanks. This is caused from excessive use of drugs.

I was walking through Wal Mart and I didn't know where I was, I had wicked white wall.

by Shawn Maglicic December 24, 2005

30๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

balls to the wall

Intense, extreme, to the max. The phrase comes from olde-fashioned steam engines; basically, they had two weighted balls attached to a vertical shaft which was connected to the engine. As the engine speed increased, these two balls would be raised higher because of centrifugal force! At top speed, they would be parallel to the ground, nearly touching the "walls" of the shaft! Hence, "balls to the wall."

"Balls to the wall" is a phrase with an interesting origin. Remember, when it comes to etymologies, the best story wins!

by Testicles! December 20, 2008

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hitting the wall

The point in which a runner on a long-distance run has been drained of energy and his or her body seizes up. Very painful, very difficult to get passed.

He hit the wall. Oh shit he died.

by reliable source March 18, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rooster wall

When you stop someone from having sexual relations with a member of the opposite sex. Commonly used so you dont have to call your girlfriends best friend a cock block in front of her.

Rooster= cock, Wall=block

see cock block

Man 1: I almost got in my girls pants but her friend kept calling so we had to leave to pick her up.
Man 2: Damn. Rooster Wall-ed

by George Tedd December 28, 2010

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wall raping

the act of masturbating using a wall. Something only an Asian would think of doing. Usually needs a lot of lubricant to work, unless you enjoy pain. I would not recommend drilling a hole in the wall to do it, because splinters down there are a bitch. You rub yourself up and down on the wall until you ejaculate. May leave a stain. Not recommended unless your name is Ben.

Me: "Hey Ben, did you know Cody has never jacked off?"
Ben: "I only have twice."
Me: "Wtf really?!"
Ben: "Yah, and once was with a wall."
Me: "omg thats not normal, wouldn't that be considered wall raping?"
Ben: "..."
Me: "How is that even possible?!"
Ben: explains to me
Me: "That's crazy shit right there!"

by Chaz Rouflab February 4, 2009

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