Source Code

munching box

licking a vag

It was one giant orgy went matt was munching box on the couch

by K-griff January 23, 2009

87πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

chow box

To perform oral sex on a woman.

Dude, I chowed Molly's box for 2 hours last night, and my jaw hurts, but I like the pain because it reminds of where it came from.

Dude, first date? I wonder if you'll chow box.

by Matty Jo Jo September 29, 2006

76πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Box

A weapon that can be found in the Mario Kart game series. A 'dirty box' is a weapon that appears as a red box with an upside down question mark on it.

A 'dirty box' will not protect you from shells as a banana would in the games but it is useful. Those making a split-second decision may initially think it is a beneficial 'question mark box' and coax them into driving into it bringing them to a halt.

Being hit by a 'dirty box' is considered the ultimate insult in Mario Karting worldwide.

The 'dirty box' should not be confused with dirty boxing (topless or naked boxing) or an unclean vagina (also known as a dirty box).

"I was in 2nd place and then the bellend in front of me hit me with a dirty box and pushed me down into 6th"

"I just can't catch a break. I was slammed with a blue shell, rodded by the lightning and then to compound it all, I GOT DIRTY BOXED"

"When you're out driving and the guy behind you is up your arse, don't you just wish you had a real-life dirty box?"

by thesmashingpumpkins October 13, 2009

77πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Party Box

The aromatic scent reminiscent of dead hot fish from a women’s vagina after a long night of partying/dancing with friends.

Guy 1: Dude whats that smell?
Guy 2: Ahh man thats my balls, I hooked up with this chick after a crawfish boil and she had a really bad party box.
Guy 1: ahh

by snipsnip182 April 27, 2009

49πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Doc in the box

Any doctor at a walk-in clinic.

I thought I had the clap, so I went to see the Doc in the box. He gave me a shot.

by octopod December 8, 2003

54πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

hairy box

A womans vaginal area with a full growth of hair.

Pussy, that looks like a big bush.

by Robert Van Horne June 11, 2005

92πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

dirt box

arse, the tight brown rather than the easy pink, poo pipe, chocolate starfish

Suzie wouldn't let me up her dirt box and I had to settle for her fouf instead

by butt weasel September 2, 2003

156πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž