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Touch Grass

Something the average fortnite player hasn’t done in 4 years, they’ve also most likely haven’t had any female interaction in 4 years and will most likely be a virgin until they quit playing fortnite

Pro player: sweats on you
Nigga that actually gets pussy: touch grass you sweaty bitch

by Avatar Relief September 26, 2021

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Tounge touch

Touching the tip of one's tounge to another's. Kind of like kissing tounges.

Girl: You're cute. Wanna tounge touch?
Guy: :D

by micahandannie June 4, 2009

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Pocket Touching

When your friend and/or stranger comes behind you and slips his or her hand into your back pocket and gentle caresses it without you knowing.

Matt kept Pocket Touching Tori.

by Pocket Touching November 12, 2014

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Touched out

When you want to punch your toddler in the face and your women's self defense training comes to the front of your mind when your husband grabs your ass.

A touched out mom isn't good for anyone. Wean your damn 2 year old and ask your husband to whack off for a few days.

by Stan K. Phartz July 12, 2016

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touching wieners

when two guys touch their hot dogs together.

"Hey homosexual man, I would love to touch my steaming pork sausage against your somewhat smaller hot dog." "Sure thing buddy. I would love to be touching wieners with you."

by Theoriginalarthur November 29, 2013

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Out Of Touch

1980s and 1990s Punk rock / underground slang for people who were not in touch with current fashion or trends. originated in california and the west coast (oregon, washington, british columbia) among young people.

the teachers at Pinole Valley High are sooo "out of touch"

my parents don't get it, i don't care about being valedictorian or making the grade, i got other skills. they're so out of touch

by Tony Iommi is My God January 12, 2017

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Touched cloth

To Have your shit touch your pants.

Ryan: Oh dear Josh, I have shat myself and I think that the poo has stained my lovely new y-fronts from M&S.

Josh: You mean you have touched cloth?

Ryan: Yes I shouldn't eat shit from public toilets.

by Josh_S September 7, 2006

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