Source Code

Troy Davis

weed smoker



you look like troy davis

by Victor gayman December 7, 2021

troy emmons

A fake name to give to the cops,used by Graf writers in 1990s, Sydney. Also given to 1 hour photo stores, when getting snaps of panels developed, in case the photo guy narked on you.

Cop: “You’ve got a lot of spray paint in your bag for someone on their way home to paint their bike. What’s your name “?
Graf writer: “Troy Emmons”.
Cop: “Ok then Troy, don’t forget to let the paint dry before you go for a ride”.

by Troy Emmons February 27, 2018

Troy, Ohio

A city with a lot of prepubescent teenagers that stand at a round about revving their shitty civics and screaming racial slurs.

Q: Hey! Want to go check out the square in Troy, Ohio?
A: Hell no! If I wanted to hear the N-word all day i’d go to a knights rally!

by FrothyBM March 24, 2023

Troy Alabama

Troy Alabama is a place full of smelly folks.

MelissaThem boys from Troy Alabama stank

by whatafag January 22, 2022

troy dumb

When children or pets are in the presence of a Troy and all common sense or discipline flies out the window and they become spastic not listening or behaving

Oh sorry about our dogs behavior he went Troy dumb ..or I apologize about the loud noises , my kids went Troy dumb .

by Dirtyshirt tee October 24, 2022

Boy name Troy

Popular, non yebets, nic née loves boy named Troy, not a Madison

That boy name Troy used to live in Detroit

by Queenevaboo July 26, 2021

Troy Try

A solution to a problem in the most brute force, most difficult, and often most clumsy way

I'm not sure if this is going to work but I'm going to give it a Troy Try!

by SavageHouse April 15, 2019