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Clam Tube

When the left over toilet paper role falls in the toilet and you fuck the holy shit out of it. Ceepin it nifty on Fiftys.

Crip Mac got a hold of the Ole Clam Tube last night, he was in the bathroom for hours.

by Kodak Nutsack February 12, 2022

Sloppy tube

It is when you are lickin the toes. Grab some toothpaste, and smear it all over ur penis. You than, insert said penis into mouth, and brush her teeth. With your penis. This, this is the sloppy tube. BumBUMBUMMMM

I no longer need to go to the dentist, cause I've been exposed to the art of Sloppy Tube
Thats so hawt I want to try that with MY uncle.

by greeneggsnshmeegle March 13, 2018

Gogurt tubing

The act of removing the remaining semen from one's urethra post masterbation; by squeezing upward from the base of the penis

Gogurt tubing is an excellent way to prevent a split stream during urination.

by dustinsmith36@yahoo.com June 28, 2016

Tube drout

When you are binge watching Youtube videos and even though there are billions of videos on Youtube you come to a sudden stop. You can't find any other videos you want to watch and resort to watching Netflix.

Man, last night I had a major Tube drout. I was looking for a good 5 minutes and could find nothing.

by IconLivin January 28, 2018

Noob tube

A grenade launcher or rocket launcher noobs use in cod. Also is a item in the best game ever created called roblox which shoots noobs at people

Noob:I has a grenade launcher
Pro guy:you fucking noob you suck stop using noob tubes and learn to aim and quickscope you fucking faggot cunt
Noob: :(

by Lazylittlebastard May 31, 2019


Using social media sights, i.e. facebook, to post annoying, crappy or sometimes funny music videos (mostly ‘80s) from youtube to friends which you are “Slapping”.

“That Debbie Gibson video made for good Tube-Slapping.”

by rookoor March 9, 2011

Tube Socked

Verb..the uncontrollable desire to roll up ones sock and jam it in a cunT’s mouth after listening to her incessantly flapping her lips just to hear herself talk all the whole never arriving at a relevant point.

After 15 min of listening to Anne...
Bill via text to Mario “this cunT won’t STFU”

Mario via text to Bill “she needs tube socked, fuckin cunT”

by Bigloads4U2 May 27, 2021