when you’re in bed with a woman and she starts spinning on your penis, indicating you hit the target so this is often referred to as the dart board
dude she pulled the old dart board on me last night
A word that can be used to refute any logic ; to leave the person one is conversing with speechless.
"I know you are but what am I?"
"I am going to put a gorilla dart in your foot."
Hand rolled cigarettes with keif sprinkled in with the tobacco
"Yeah man, I'm just chillin', smokin' some lawn darts, Y'know"
A marijuana cigarette... A cigarette is a dart and marijuana is grass, hence 'Lawn Dart'.
A person who is know to routinely smoke cigarettes
“Hey, you know that kid Harry Azzopardi?”
“Yeah he’s a bit of a dart lord”
Keeping your erection for an extended period when you are involved in a gang bang in Amsterdam.
In Amsterdam he brought his A game to the orgy, he was like a Dutch dart