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Acid Alex

The pioneer of psychedelic photography. He is known world wide within the photography community as a menace. Acid Alex once ate my ass like there was a check at the end of it. All my homies worship Acid Alex.

Acid Alex took my pictures and tossed my salad.

by PhatPussyQueen November 23, 2021

gorilla on acid

When a nigga is high af and resorts back to all 4's

Person 1: boi look at at this dude, he be looking like a gorilla on acid!

Person 2: ...

by Jackislol December 16, 2016

acid dore

A person who admires and adores everything even non living objects.

Person 1: I got these bows from shein!

Person 2: that's so cool

Person 1: it's literally just a bow.

Person 2: But still..

Person 1: you're such an acid dore

by Asmulan February 21, 2024

acid ties

The connection of a sober experience to a psychedelic, drug-induced experience.

"In my dream last night I had acid ties, I literally saw a giant squirrel in stick figure form carving a sculpture!"

by eatmyshortseatmyshortsnow October 6, 2020

Acid Pizza

When you're so high that you're baked like a pizza and coming up on an acid trip, sprinkling some acid toppings and leading you to blurt out "Yo guys, I'm like an Acid Pizza"

PH - "we probably didn't need to smoke that much."
Ah - "Yo guys, I'm like an acid Pizza."

by FancyFingers The Clown. October 5, 2018

team acid

a fortnite team full of Gaymers constantly getting dem victory royales. the team consist of some pc boys who likes to dance on dem haters and the console players aka wannabe faze swayers. the avrage penis size is 8inces so you do not wanna get innto a game with theese madmen.

random guy: sees someone in acid in the kill feed
random guy's duo: oh fuck we are a gainst team acid
(mech noises apper)
random guy: it must be team acid

by MyDadIsStillWithMe September 3, 2019

Team Acid

A team full of sexy boys touching themselves daily, they are straight up GAYmers. destroying everyone else in: Fortnite, Minecraft and Roblox

guy in team acid: Wassup boy
random guy on street: hello...
guy in team acid: are you gay?
random guy on street: No
guy in team acid: you are a homophobe

by LickMeUnderMyFoot August 17, 2019