Adriane is such a @thankgoditskitchen it's amazing.
adrian and donna are that type of relationship that you wish you had. They are never fighting and he will make time for her no matter what. Adrian and Donna remind me of those couples you see in shows that you wish they would get together.
Madam Adrain isn't just a person, she is a lifestyle, a reason to breathe, an escape from thsi cruel world filled with thieves. She is a work of art, the first gift you opened on christmas, a hug from a loved one, everything you've ever wanted, everything you need.
Omg!! I love you Adrian Koay!!
Whenever I see Adrian, I get so much adrian-naline 🤤
Adrian Koay the beloved
When Adrian 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
adrian the all mighty😩 on my knees for him
Omg!!! Adrian's voice!! 😍
Saying the wordle out loud before everyone has gotten a chance to play it.
“I haven’t done the wordle yet! You just had an Adrian moment!”
Girl: Adrian Rodriguez es muy guapo
Girl 2: Muy guapo
Adrian Matthew Rodriguez (noun):
A heartwarming embodiment of love and kindness, whose presence illuminates the lives of those around him. His unwavering compassion and genuine care for others make him a cherished friend and a devoted partner. With a radiant smile and infectious enthusiasm, Adrian spreads joy wherever he goes, leaving a lasting impression on everyone fortunate enough to know him. He is a symbol of resilience and strength, inspiring others to find hope and persevere through life's challenges. Adrian Matthew Rodriguez is a true gem, a beacon of light in a world that can sometimes seem dim, and his boundless heart continues to enrich the lives of those he touches.
"Adrian's love for Yanna was like a symphony, every note perfectly composed, creating a melody that resonated in the depths of her soul."
"In the pages of their love story, Adrian Matthew Rodriguez and Yanna had written countless chapters of affection, forming a tale of passion and devotion that would stand the test of time."