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Alcoholics anonymous

A place where they, don't drink alcohol. But instead discuss the Bible. And end the night with a song.

Alcoholics anonymous. Religious nutters welcome, meaning Sexual deviants, wearing leathers and whips

by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 2, 2020

Alcoholics Anonymous

Making your hand go numb, covering it in rubbing alcohol and jerking off.

"Hey man I need you to take me to the hospital, I tried the alcoholics anonymous."

by SargentQG November 3, 2021

quarantine alcoholic

An individual on quarantine that stays drunk 24/7, to get through the retard restrictions from corona.

I’m so bored at home, I have become a quarantine alcoholic.

by El Wappo. May 20, 2020

Alcohol slut

When a guy/girl sleeps with many people on separate occasions, whilst alcohol induced. However, would not act in this manner sober.

god damn that guy Ian is an alcohol slut.

by yogirlJ February 14, 2019


to make a noise under the influence of alcohol.Those who alcoholler disturb others.

Stop alcohollering. Kip down quietly. You are disturbing us.

by uttam maharjan April 22, 2011

assorted alcohol

A variety of alcohol which one would bring to a party

Female:What do you consider "assorted alcohol"? Lol

Experienced Male: A good variety of alcohol one would bring to a party. Like your brothers 18th birthday party.

by My wallet has a cactus in it July 10, 2017


Isaac frey

I’m addicted to alcohol, it’s alcoholism

by Lame2.0 November 1, 2020