Ignorp Rupless Key Snik Berkep Yoobloop Sloopy Doop Ba Boopity Bot Oogie Oogie Schnickle Barf Pickle Bickle Smickle Tickle Oogie Boogie Oogie Boogie Oogie Boogie Burp
A term used when scared shitless.
- Yomi
This term is related to someone who is middle eastern, or someone who can pull off a very middle eastern sort of thang.
It is also a verb for someone who is in the act of "Da b Duba Dillaing
Day nayber sure can "da ba duba dilla"
Those "Da ba Duba Dilla" guys better watch out, drones might find em.
It’s a slur that only people who raped their dad sister and mom three times in a row can say
If some one says car ba Dar they no doubt have fucked their mom dad and sister