Going out with the intention of having a huge one
Danny: “What are you fellas up to tonight?”
Martin: “We just ripped down to the bottle-o and grabbed a couple cartons of jack and some nose beers and we are fucking ‘bunging one on’”
It’s like committing suicide but knowing you’ll survive and then actually surviving and coming out of it as if you just escaped death.
Hey Lucas, wanna come bungee jumping with me?
Yeah man!
When she doesn't take the pill she has to pray that the rubber doesn't rip just like when you do bungee jumping
"Are you on the pill?" "Nah I'm bungee jumping."
This term represents an alternative to the colourful word "fuck" it can be used in many ways to describe a problem or to exaggerate a surprise
"AH bung lao that's broken now" "bung lao! what the hell is that?" "BUNG LAO YOU!"
The pinnacle of questions to be asked on someone’s Snapchat / Instagram story. The writer knows full well that the person answering the question has not cause… dying is not cool. Expect this question to be asked by your local 8th grader.
Have you ever been bungee jumping?… shut up Daniel NO
word for an extensively long log of fecal matter
Yo, that man just laid out a fat bung weasel!
When one fungs (fucks) a bung (butt). Cool way to say butt fucker.
Listen here you stupid Bung Fugger