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coon job

A person who's attitude towards life is that of a dirty minority.

Also, a person who is being a dickface.

Not to be confused with the sexual act of having sex with a moon cricket.

"Stop being a coon job"
"Hey, look at that coon job over there"
"You know what, i really wish you weren't such a coon job."

by gangmemberjackson June 29, 2009

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coon puff

Def 1: Another name for gingersnap cookies while playing the board game Monopoly.

Not to be confused with a nigga's cheese puffs.

"DAAAMMMMNNNN, those coon puffs were off the wi-zall!!!"

"That guy is such a coon puff"

by w00tsauce!!1! December 14, 2006

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Coon's toe

A measurement used to compare the size of something to the size of a toe, specifically a black person's toe.

Guy1, "I shot that sign with my gun, it made such a big whole."
Guy2, "Ya right, that whole was no bigger than a Coon's Toe."

by Lnigga October 24, 2007

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Main Coon

A man eating, fluffy, long haired feline. Also known for carrying bags of weed around the home.

Dude, man, bro is that a "Main Coon"?

by SkinnyPants January 21, 2009

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Coon Shit

Black People on some ape shit

white man: you only get 500 back on tax
*black man shoots up place with gang*
the black man on some coon shit

by addybaddy January 26, 2017

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Coon Hunter

Usually small fat and stupid, mostly beleived to be crooked faced rednecks, than enjoy hunting "Coons" (racoons) in Kentucky. Coon Hunters have been known to be very racist.

Andrew: Do you know that Justin kid?
Chad: Yeah, I heard he was a dirty Coon Hunter.
Andrew: I know, I hate that kid!

by chillbilly April 19, 2008

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A person born from one white parent and one black parent.
a.k.a. cracker + coon = Crack-coon

Person A: January 20th 2009 was a historic day, the first black president was sworn into office!
Person B: Don't cha know his mama is white, fool!
Person A: Oh so we got a Crack-coon for a president.

by Black Nanther Lysie January 21, 2009

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