Source Code

corn nuts

a corn nut is a small piece of hair sticking out on the side of your head.

"fuck my corn nuts are popping out"

by cocopuffs1122 June 10, 2014

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Corn Scraper

Someone who eats the crusty faeces out of an unwhiped anal cavity.

Jimmy: But daddy I don't wanna...

Jimmy's Pops: Shut up and be mah corn scraper son!

by Efronfan1337 July 9, 2009

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corn for the morn

when one consumes a powdered narcotic, such as ketamine or the drone - that one has also consumed the night before - in the morning, frequently off the corner of a credit/debit card for better facilitation.

'shit man theres still some k left'
'best have a corn for the morn then'

by general fiasco May 19, 2010

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hide the corn

When you have to hide your big floppy dildo from your kids

Babe hide the corn the kids are around

by MsMiraya February 11, 2018

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Corn DNI

steve cobs, from inanimate insanity, is a widely hated character on inanimate insanity. therefore, if you’re a steve cobs fan, you shouldn’t interact with a person who hates steve cobs.

hey, do you know steve cobs from inanimate insanity? he’s my favorite!

by royalbathtub August 29, 2022

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corn snake

Slang for small penis. Think about it, if a big penis is considered an anachonda then wouldnt a small penis be a corn snake?

Also every man that uses the names section of urban dictionary has a corn snake

Nigga no hoe is gonna want that lil ass corn snake.

by xaneks May 18, 2017

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denim corn

The act of a private dancer nibling on the penis through your jeans. Another pioneer defines denim corn as someone who sharts themselves in a mexican restaurant and plays it off as though he sat in food.

I just got back from getting a lap dance in the back room and that stripper gave me some denim corn. It really hurt when she bit my privates, but I think I will go back for another round.

by Amigo Jones August 6, 2008

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