Source Code

Corporal fowler

Corporal fowler is the supreme being on planet America.

Corporal fowler may i request to go to the head.

by Stevenspielbum February 10, 2017

Corporate Rick

The guy that was once a participating member of the team but has now risen to corporate status and is now much too busy for the team. Of course, he still expects the free meeting lunches but obviously doesn't attend the meeting

There goes corporate Rick lunch in hand and not headed to the meeting with everyone else!

by Swaybone August 5, 2024

Corporate Hitchhiking

corporate Hitchhiking is a term for going job to job, temp job to temp job with hope for all this jumping to add up to a solid high paying job/ career. All this time counting on your resume with its stunning large set of skills and items that are usually useless. You may feel its impressive having 3 to 8 pages of info but to any possible employer its shows you cant hold a job down

Jake: do you believe you can win a job with that 6 page resume.

Joe: darn tooting.
jake: but all youve been doing is jumping from management job to management job, from sinking ship to sinking ship.
joe: its only a little Corporate hitchhiking . just look at my entire skill list and my impressive job list

by Theamazinggeek June 21, 2017

Scarecrow Corporation

A company with a locked-in group of manager(s) who are so terrible to work with that they drive all professional talent away, and new applicants drop off.

"Cloud Imperium Games is a scarecrow corporation."

by iaminhellhelpme June 27, 2024

corporal carpet

Someone who decides to randomly get a bowl-cut and dye their hair black for absolutely no reason

Pretty sure Daniel just corporal carpeted his hair last night

by duemoturion June 10, 2017

Corporate - Cuck

Someone who used to be underground but now takes orders for the money.

Wow, that guy used to be underground and cool. Now he's a Corporate - Cuck just to get money.

by vhhm January 25, 2024

Corporate Cleveland Steamer

When you've given every ounce of your energy for your respective company...and rhey continually add work to your plate. You are a victim of your own success, so your company suits on you.

I was just delivered a hot corporate Cleveland steamer. I met my deadline, so they gave me someone else's work on top of it.

by Poopypoopypoppop August 3, 2022