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death blossom

American military slang from the war in Iraq: the tendency of Iraqi security forces, in response to receiving a little fire from the enemy, to either run away or do the "death blossom," spraying fire indiscriminately in all directions. Reported on Globalsecurity.org

Those policemen heard one gunshot and opened up a death blossom on the whole street.

by Leef September 10, 2007

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death row

Where they make criminals sit and wait for about 30 years knowing that eventually someone will come in and hand them "how would you like to be killed, chose from 4 painless methods" brochure and that they will eventually be systematically killed in a dressed up ceremony.

I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy.

by towel401 October 4, 2004

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hype death

When someone responds unfavorably to hype or criticizes hype about said subject, deeming it unnecessary. Often times this person has a negative attitude to anything happy about anyone's life.

Erion (The Hypee): Ohh snaps B this new game is coming out. I cant wait to cop that shit, im so hyped right now. Are you going to get it?

Darren (Hype Death): Nah son that shit is gonna be straight booty, I heard they only spent 10,000 on development, that shit is gonna flop and no one is going to buy it.

by Newf0rm November 15, 2010

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Death by powerpoint

When someone delivers a powerpoint so tediously boring that everyone ends up slouched over their chairs and desks, in a 'dead' fashion

'just got out of a lecture, looks like everyone in there suffered death by powerpoint'

by gafejaokdfpsa December 16, 2009

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Grey death

A mix of heroin, elephant tranquilizer, and, fentanyl. A very deadly drug

Grey death is sold by drug dealers.

by Bonody September 28, 2017

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Crow of Death

To make a "crow of death" basically means to abruptly change the subject of the conversation. The expression is to be used with the finger pointed at something invisible behind the people you're talking to, while saying " the crow of death" using an horrified tone.

Me and my friends were talking about how education is important when Kevin starts talking about how the sky is blue today. He just did a "crow of death".

by QcEd April 18, 2006

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Death Metal

insanly imposssible music to play and write.

music that sounds great to the ears and soul.

music that emo kids claim to listen to but in reality can only take slipknot

Me "hey look emo kids lets kill them with death metal!"

(nile song)

emo kids being massacred and castrated and being raped by the power that is nile.

by porsche911turbospyder July 17, 2008

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