Source Code


n. The cinematization of a fan-fiction into a short film or movie based on a fan-made fictional story. The film can be made by either the original author of the fan-fiction or can be created by a third-party source.

Hey, I'm making a fan-fliction from this fan-fiction and I need a cameraman. Do you know any?

by the_best_around May 2, 2014

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fan Math

A formula for finding out what type of fan you are of a certain band. It has nothing to do with how much you love a band but what type of listener you are. Purely for fun.
It is a very simple formula, take the amount of songs you have heard by said band/artist and divide it by the amount of songs the band/artist has in their collection (using a calculator). You will most likely get a crazy decimal like 00.540182 or something. Take that number and round it to the nearest whole number. WALA, there is your listening percentage. You can now check the chart below to figure out what type of listener you are.

0-10%--Once in a while listener
(A few songs on your ipod, listen when your in the mood)

10-20%--Occasional Listener
(You probaly have most of the singles)

20-40%--Casual Listener
(You own all of the singles and a few tracks off of the third album)

40-60%--Avid Listener
(You own an album or two)

60-80%--Strong Listener
(You own a few albums, missing 1 or 2 but have tracks from the missing albums)

80-90%--Big Time Listener
(You have every album but there is an EP or two you can't seem to get your hands on)

90%-100%-Hardcore, Die-hard Fan
(You have every album, B-side, EP, LP and live recording or are dangerously close to having all of the music. Perhaps this is one of your favorite bands?)

Bob has 56% of Chaos In Captivity's* songs. He is an Avid Listener.

Mary has 10% of all the Fuzzy Hats of Death's* music. She is an Occasional Listener.

Samantha has 100% of the music by 99ยข Happiness*. She is a hardcore fan, she even has a tattoo of their logo. (A yellow happy face with a price tag attached)

*Chaos In Captivity, Fuzzy Hats Of Death and 99ยข Happiness are not real bands (at least I don't think they are). They are just band names that I came up with that I think are dope.

The "Fan Math" formula wouldn't really work with bands that have less than three albums. It just doesn't work with them

by Music_note_93 March 18, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fan of Tan

Primarily UK Slang for a girl or Size Queen (referring to the fan in the definition) who prefers larger cocks of tan color and who absolutely doesn't go for small white ones. The tan color refers to mixed race men. The fan doesn't go for the darker black men (well at least not yet).

Girl #1: Did you see how that blondie eyed up the place looking for some steaming hot mocha latte?

Girl #2: She skimmed right over the white-as-ghosts guys.

Girl #1: There is a Lenny Kravitz lookalike over there.

Girl #2: She's got a bead on him.

Girl #1: She's a shameless fan of tan.

by sarasplayroom.com May 15, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Leaf fan

See: Masochist. That's really the only way to define it honestly.

I'm going to burn myself, pull out my fingernails, and then watch the Leafs. Oooh, how I love the delightful pain of being a Leaf Fan!!!

by LeafFan66 September 19, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

49er fan

A guy that loves having male on male intercourse, and only wears team colors when his team is winning.

Guy 1: You see those guys giving each other head in the alley.

Guy 2: Yeah they must be 49er fans, but there not wearing there colors because the 49ers lost last night 1,000,000 to 0.

by niners suck November 13, 2011

50๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

bandwagon fan

a pittsburgh sports fan.

"We won the stanley cup!!!! Has any other team ever won it in their first 5 years of existence??"
"Dude the pens have been around since the 60s you bandwagon fan."

(about 30 years from now) "He is such a bandwagon fan, he has never been to a pirates game in his life but not that they are in the World Series he acts like he has followed them his entire life"

by a real fan June 21, 2009

93๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

mets fan

A fan of the baseball team The New York Metropolitans, who are usually the most dedicated fans in all of New York. Those who put up with the losing seasons are the best fans of all, and all Yankee fans can go and blow George Steinbrenner.

All Mets fans are true to the orange and blue, and Yankee fans buy overpriced hotdogs.

by Lee N Senaldruin May 21, 2006

122๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž