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hella swy

Used to describe something that is full of swag and is hella fly at the same time. Often used by huge dorks to describe something or someone lame in a cool way. Most often than not, it's not usually used in a serious way, but can be depending on its intention.

A: Ha! Look what I can do with this pencil. I'm hella swy
B: Did you just say hella swy?
A: yup
B: You're hella lame, you dork.

by B)time February 21, 2016

Hella well

The proper grammer for when you describe something being done exceptionally competantly.

Brad: lets smoke out an apple
Chad: naw it wont work
(It works)
Chad: damn that worked hella well

by Yupyupyuuup June 6, 2018

hella monkey

Getting absolutes blasted on some S-Tier kush, cremated off that shit.

“You tryna get hella monkey with me and sleepy joe tonight?”

by ShadowWizardMoneyGang February 17, 2023

hella buff

Someone is 'very' or 'extremely' buff

Damn B you look hella buff in that picture you posted!

Aw thanks babes

by Girl26351752 April 17, 2016

Hella Wreckless

thrashin shiet, ruining things, throwin shit, keg stands,

doin' wreckless shiet on the reg; HELLA WRECKLESS

smokin stogs in the bathroom while the keg is in the tub, Hella Wreckless,

waking up in a bush with no phone, Hella Wreckless;

threatening an apartment complex with a non-existent grenade, HELLA WRECKLESS!

by csuchicooo February 24, 2010

hella neat

(adj.) cool as fuck; effortlessly dope. Used to describe something that everyone wants to know about and be a part of OR someone that everyone aspires to be.

Place of origin - Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Yo, look at Deanna's dance moves! They're hella neat.

Kai is killing it on stage, that mothafucka is hella neat.

by hella_neat March 9, 2016

hella quisik

thats realy cool or awesome.

that movie was hella quisik

by nicole clarke December 20, 2007