The days between Christmas and New Years. Named for the slang of the perineum.
We're stuck here for Christmas and New lets spend the holiday taint somewhere warm.
A Permanent Holiday Swede (PHS) is a Swedish person that has lived abroad and has moved back to Sweden. Swedish people are very introverted but when on holiday they tend to posses a much more outward-going personality. A PHS will be a very social person when it comes to meeting new people.
“Wow that guy is so cool, I bet he’s a Permanent holiday Swede (swedish person).
A hunting weekend. Blaze orange is commonly worn by hunters and an orange holiday is time taken to go hunting.
"Tell your boss this weekend is an orange holiday!"
A holiday for gacha editors! Celebrated on July 30
"Hello! Happy Gacha Editors Holiday!"
"Awww thank you! Wait what?"
"Its a holiday for Gacha Editors!"
"Theres a holiday?"
The day before christmas, a group of men stand over you and jerk their willies off onto you. The phenomenon makes a mistle toe that you get on both knees to get under.
Ruben : Cock Holiday is my favorite holiday
Chris : you fucking fag
Luxury travel experts at Inspiring Travel often get requests for life-changing and milestone events that are worth celebrating such as a new baby, a graduation and a new job. The experts have coined this type of holiday as ‘holiday-moons’, following the surge in popularity of minimoons, babymoons and honeymoons.
We've planned our next holiday-moon!
A holiday in a small Filipino tribes religion focusing on abstinence and death. this is because no sex=death because the population would be gone. this is to honor the dead. also no alchohol or potatoes can be consumed on this day because they mess up your soul
Its January 14- Filipino Holiday (Araw ng Kamatayan ng Kamatayan)
sorry becky we cant have sex