The act of "accidentally" killing your friend in an online game.
"He did an ishing again"
"You just ished your friend"
Chini-ish (pronunciation- cheeneeish)
Meaning: ( of a person, thing or way of life,) - Sort of sugary sweet)
Word origin: It is a combination of a base word from Bengali/Bangla language, chini, and the suffix ‘ish’ from English to denote somewhat.
Syllables - 3
Usage in a sentence:
The fruit had a chini-ish taste to it.
W means win,
and L means lose,
so Win but still kinda L lmao.
you copped a great girl but shes a furry so its a W ish L.
A suffix that means almost nothing most of the time, but everything some of the time.
“I love you...(ish)”
“You’re going to live...(ish)”
Insert Sarcasm Here. A short hand form for /Sarcasm :Sarcasm: etc.
Season 8 of Game of Thrones was just great. Ish