Fucking dumb slag with a foot fetish and has HIV from fucking her dog and likes nothing more but to glare into your soul
Jess Darby is ukers
When your fucking a chick in the ass and it packs too much air into her anatomical colo-capacity causing an atmospheric vacuum outside the stink rocket. Subsequently upon pulling out, the back pressure evacuates her larges intestine's contents and ends up atomized over half your bedroom.
"Dooooood, you landed the hott ass chick you were talking to at the party last night?"
"yeah man!"
"Fuck yeah bro, she was hot as fuck!"
"Hell yeah but i dont have the cash for all the fuckin' dry cleaning."
"Wait.. Why, was she on her on her period?"
"Nahhh, it was a being defined as the messy Jesse dude.. i gotta replace my carpet."
The definitive man. He is a genius, hilarious, eternal, he likes My Little Pony and wrestling. He is an inspiration for all of us. I sure hope the he reads this some day.
-Endless Jess is my dad!
-You wish...
A genius writer and comedian. Known for his use of the YouTube medium to tell a compelling narrative and making some of the greatest analysis videos on the web.
Friend: Dude have you checked out that Endless Jess guy I told you about?
Me: Yeah, his videos are so fucking sick. Colt Corona is the coolest!
They are made for each other, Darcie and Jesse are the God of couple goals.
Perfect and pretty, Jesse loves his Darcie so much he won't ever be satisfied with another.
We Aspire to be Darcie and Jesse level couple goals.
John-"Hey you wanna go to church in the morning?"
James- "What are you, fucking nuts? I love Jesse Chips but I'm not going to church."
Music producer, audio engineer, drum editing magician. Emo.
Madison. Race The Sun. Tiger Mountain. The Cure. Limp Bizkit.