Source Code

just stronsin'

Jus' playin', teach.

Faggot #1: Yo! Whutchu doin'?

Curlywanb: Just stronsin'

by Funny Faggot April 7, 2003

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Just Because

Often seen used in tweets made by kpoppies after BTS have once again achieved something no other Korean group has or when BTS rapline destroys their faves with just a few words without mentioning any names.

"Just because your group..."
"Just because your faves..."
"Just because that group has xyz awards doesn't mean that no one paved the way for them..."

"I'm not talking about a specific group but just because someone charted no.1 on bb200..."

by Your'e annoying June 11, 2018

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Just a nut

When a guy repeatedly hangs out with and fucks a girl, but only for the nut. Typically there are no feelings attached and he’s only in it for the sex. Once shit gets too serious or the girl starts asking too many questions, the nut is then cut off.

Elan: Dude, are you and Delia dating again? I saw you on her story.
Andrew: Dude it’s just a nut

by Skiiiiiiibo June 18, 2019

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just pinky

what you call a girl when shes really tiny before she's been broken in and you try to finger her.

Look man, it's Just Pinky- I tried going down there but thats the only thing that would fit.

by Celeste February 28, 2005

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Just a Josh

Something very small; most commonly used to describe a penis.

Mary said to Betty "Did you see that Justin's penis?" Betty said "Yeah it was just a Josh"

by Saylerable April 3, 2011

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For The Just In Case

Taking something with you for the just in case.

When i go out with friends i always take eye drops for the just in case.

YOU: why are you taking those eyedrops
ME: For The Just In Case.

by L1$$4 November 18, 2011

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just fish

it means anything you want because it's just fish.

guy - hey, i got that new cd!
girl - just fish!! :D

girl - that teacher so hates me
guy - just fish ;)
girl - :)

by Charlotte Silver and Dish July 31, 2008

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